Prolific North Awards 2015 Best Content Team Winners
Honestly, we started writing this thinking we’d be announcing our Big Chip Award nomination, but last night, the Prolific North Awards gave us something else to shout from the rooftops.
From our Best Small Digital Agency win last year, we came away this year with the Best Content Team gong. Which makes the next bit kind of awkward, seeing as technically this is content as well. There’s a lot of pressure with this blog, that’s for sure. So much so that really, there’s nothing we could write here that would live up to the accolade (way to bottle it, huh?).
In all seriousness, we’re absolutely blown away. The competition was fierce to say the least, and you’ll have to believe us when we say that we really, honestly didn’t expect anything to come of our nomination. We were up against Coronation Street for Pete’s sake!
We’d like to thank the Prolific North judges, every last one of our clients that signed up for content in the past year – especially given we’ve only had a content team for just over a year! – and to all of our well-wishers on Twitter. It’s your messages of support that are getting us through an admittedly quite delicate morning… And afternoon… Probably evening too, let’s be honest…