RAR Awards Finalist
Shortlisted in an amazing 8 categories
I have been hounding the poor guys over at the RAR this year. I was worried they would put some kind of injunction on me at one point. Anyway, there was a good reason to call – other than liking the sound of Jo’s voice – this year we had worked super hard at ensuring clients were as happy as possible so I also made the extra effort in asking all our clients to review our services for the 2012 Recommended Agency Awards. We don’t enter awards often – they can be a bit of a beauty parade – but this one is great as it’s from the people who matter the most to us; our clients.
We have amazingly been shortlisted in 8 categories including: Brand Strategy, Design, Creativity/Innovation, Strategic Thinking, Value For Money, On time, On Budget, Print production. I’m really pleased with our clients taking the time to do this and my staff for working so hard and being a pleasure to employ.
Well what does this mean for Ahoy? Well I could be cliche and say that this is the stepping stone for greater things but instead I have promised to no longer moan about the kitchen being a mess. Right, where did I put those Marigolds.