Hey? Hello! Listen Up For A Second…
So, we’ve got a confession to make… An admission of the highest order…
We’re rubbish at marketing ourselves.
Earth shattering, we know, but bear with us.
Over the last 12 months or so, we’ve neglected our blog. It’s even become a running joke that nobody’s got Word, so we can’t possibly write new posts… We’ve used it to blow our own trumpet a little about the awards we’ve won and as a tool for hiring new staff, but it’s become a page on our site that’s here because, well, it’s here.
Writing, marketing and tweeting for ourselves is always something we’ve found tricky as an agency. We’re dedicated to our work and we take great pride in providing the best service we can to our clients, but because of that, we leave little time to look after ourselves. Yes, it’s a cliché to say that we’re busy, but we are. We run a tight ship, the studio schedule’s jam packed without fail every week and when we’re so used to putting our client work first, it becomes a hard habit to get out of.
We find ourselves with a decision to make. Do we continue the way we are, growing gradually, but always feeling that there’s something more on the horizon, or do we reclaim a couple of hours of the schedule and really begin to stretch our legs?
Hmm, when you put it that way…
So over the next couple of months, things are going to be changing. Our clients are still going to be our priority, of course, no business can survive without putting it’s customers first, but we’re going to make sure we don’t overlook our “AHOY time” – even if it means putting in a bit of time outside of the studio.
Don’t expect us to turn into a news channel overnight, with new blogs flying out everywhere and writing tweets faster than you can say “140 characters”, but do expect to hear more from us going forward.
Well… Probably.