Deciding to go it alone after years of working for the giants of the catering industry, Samuel James events is the brainchild of Samuel Tomkins. Specialising in truly creative gastronomy, made with the highest quality ingredients, Samuel James events is raising the bar for high-end catering in the North West. Sam approached us looking for brand touchpoints that supported that positioning.

Given the calibre of Samuel James Events’ catering, and the ways in which the brand will be experienced on a day to day basis (i.e. at weddings and corporate events) – we needed to make sure the Samuel James Events brand needed to not look out of place alongside high-end luxury florists and so on.

The marque that we created is distinctive, immediately conveying a sense of luxury and quality. The typeface in particular is strikingly individual – with the precise edges and construction of stencilled text, without the graffiti or military connotations.

The website we built was fully responsive, filled with high resolution food photography and customer watercolour prints, one for each of their services. A static border frames the entire site, and images cycle and lock into place within it as the user scrolls through them. In addition, we used a WordPress back-end to make it as easy as possible for Sam to update and evolve the site (e.g. adding testimonials) as and when he sees fit.