Black Label arose out a desire to create a modern men’s haircare brand that stood apart from the likes of Bryll Cream and American Crew – two brands that are well established in the public consciousness and made with time-honoured formulae. The feeling of Black Label shape paste was completely different – less glossy and heavy than established sculpting products. Our task was to create a bold, modern brand to position them at the higher end of the market.

Given that the range was intended to be sold to high-end salons, rather than supermarkets or chemists, the brand needed to sit comfortably alongside any other luxury haircare brands. It needed to be edgy, contemporary and above all, masculine.

The concept that we arrived at for the brand was one of being a product for not only the modern, fashion-conscious man, but for the adventurers. For men with without fear, men that carve their own paths in life – it was an aspirational, exciting brand vision, supported by our unique compass marque. In addition, we wrote a brand mission statement and compiled a series of core brand values, as well as creating possible routes and inspiration for outdoor advertising and photography.