About That “Us Time”
It’s that time of year again when it all goes a little quiet news-wise. It’s when all those promises about “a bit more us time” become that bit harder to keep, and we’re reminded of all the blogs in our archive that are titled “… part 1”, still waiting for their second part.
For us, the summer months are one of the busiest times of the year. Projects are coming in that are set to launch well into 2017 and those evenings spent enjoying the late summer sun, are already being preceded by a day of already working on Christmas menus.
Behind the wall of silence, there’s been plenty going on. We’ve successfully launched the new digital home for Spinningfields, and added a couple more of our recent projects to the case studies page. Internally, we’ve also started to reflect on our working processes. Having lived with our Atmosphere and Experience processes for a little over two years now, we’re beginning to see where we can tweak them to give us more scope and flexibility across a wider variety of projects.
For as quiet as it may seem on the outside, it’s shaping up to be an exciting couple of months to round out the year. Then again, everybody says that…